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noun, f., n-decl., 44 occ.

aterlaþe, aterlaþe, atorlaþe, atterlada, atterlaþe, attorlaths, aturlaþe, attorlaþe, attorlaðe, attorlathe, atterlada, atterloðe, atterlawe, atorlaðe, aterlaðe, aturlaðe, attorlaþan, attorlaðan


  • Fumaria L., fumitory, Erdrauch
  • ? Cyclamen purpurascens Miller, cyclamen, Sommer-Alpenveilchen
  • ? Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis., betony, Echter Ziest
  • ? Echinochloa crus-galli P. Beauv., cockspur, Gewöhnliche Hühnerhirse
  • ? Solanum nigrum L., black nightshade, Schwarzer Nachtschatten
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Last update: 25.06.2014 21:46