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noun, f., n-decl., 8 occ.

hæwen hnydele, hæwen hydele, hæwenydele, heavenhnidele, henephydele


  • Cochlearia anglica L., scurvygrass, Englisches Löffelkraut
  • Succisa pratensis Moench, Devil's bit scabious, Gewöhnlicher Teufelsabbiss
  • Centaurea cyanus L., cornflower, Kornblume
  • ? Rumex L, dock species, Ampfer-Art
  • ??? Galeopsis L., hemp nettle, Hohlzahn
  • ??? Primula veris L., cowslip, Echte Schlüsselblume
  • ??? Inula britannica L., British elecampane, Ufer-Alant
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Last update: 26.06.2014 21:34