

noun, f., , 2 occ.

Type: plant

Last Update: 20.07.2011 07:29

Old-English: mixenplante, myxenplante,

Latin (Machine generated): SOLATRUM .I.,

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Reference Last Update: 19.10.2022 05:32

Meaning Last Update: 28.02.2010 09:50

  • A: plant: native
    Solanum nigrum L., black nightshade, Schwarzer Nachtschatten
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Comment Last Update: 20.07.2011 07:26

  • Comment on (A): Solanum nigrum L., black nightshade, Schwarzer Nachtschatten

    Cf. Britten / Holland (1886,337): "Mix-plenton. 'The herb less-morel.' [...] Solanum nigrum L." On OE miexen 'dung heap, Düngerhaufen, Mist' cf. Holthausen 1974, s.v.) and L PLANTA. Cf. Cockayne (1961,III,338): "Myxenplante, Mixenplant, solanum nigrum, which is morella minor, and is often found on mixens."

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Occurrences Last Update: 06.04.2010 13:09

  • Laud, 1324 SOLATRUM .I. atterlaþe. mixeplante
  • LB, 39/28[1] asg myxenplante
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Image Last Update: 20.07.2011 07:29

Solanum nigrum L., black nightshade, Schwarzer Nachtschatten

Fitch, Walter Hood. Illustrations of the British Flora: London: Reeve, 1924.

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This whole passage was added on the margin of the page by a later hand; it reads: Wiþ þa blacan blegene syle þam men etan twegen croppas oþþe þry of þære wyrte þe man an þreo wisan hateþ myxenplante.