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Research Literature
Bierbaumer, Peter.
Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 3. Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Las Vegas: Lang, 1979.
Stryker, William Garlington.
The Latin-Old English Glossary in MS Cotton Cleopatra A III. Unpubl. diss. Stanford Univ.: 1952.
Cameron, Angus, Ashley Crandell Amos, Antonette di Paolo Healey, et al. (eds.).
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Isidorus Hispalensis.
Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Etymologiarum sive Originum Libri XX. Recogn. brevique adnot. crit. instruxit W. M. Lindsay. 1: Libros I - X continens. 2: Libros XI - XX continens. repr. 1911. (Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis) Oxonii: Typogr. Clarendoniano, 1966.
WW, Prosp, Br:
Wright, Thomas.
Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies. 2nd ed. by Richard Paul Wülcker. Reprint of the 1884 ed. published by Trübner, London. Vol. 1: Vocabularies. Vol. 2: Indices. New York: Gordon, 1976.
Lendinara, Patrizia.
"The Glossaries in London, BL, Cotton Cleopatra A. iii." In: _Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen: Internationale Fachkonferenz des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg 2. bis 4. August 1999._ Ed. Rolf Bergmann, Elvira Glaser, and Claudine Moulin-Fankhänel. Heidelberg: Winter, 2001. 189-215.
Meritt, Herbert Dean.
"Old English Glosses, Mostly Dry Point." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 60 (1961): 441-450.
MS London, British Library, Cotton Cleopatra A.iii.
MS London, British Library, Cotton Otho E.i.
Rusche, Philip Guthrie.
The Cleopatra Glossaries. Diss. Yale Univ. Yale University, 1996.
Voss, Manfred.
"Strykers Edition des alphabetischen Cleopatraglossars: Corrigenda und Addenda." AAA 13:2 (1988): 123-138.
Voss, Manfred.
"Altenglische Glossen aus MS Brit. Library, Cotton Otho E.i." AAA 22:2 (1996): 179-203.
OLEASTER = wild olive tree, →ele-bēam, wilde. Stryker refers to a possibly related passage in Is. 17,7,61 (CUI INSERTUS OLIVAE RAMUS VIM MUTAT RADICIS [...]. LACRIMA OLEASTRI ARBORIS DUPLEX.) and notes: "The word eletwig, known only from this gloss, may belong with its lemma or may render the phrase OLIVAE RAMUS."