

noun, f., i-decl., 27 occ.

Type: plant

Last Update: 09.11.2011 09:52

Old-English: beovyrt, beowirt, beowyrt, biouuyrt, biowyrt, buuyrt, beowurt,


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References Last Update: 19.10.2022 09:30

Meanings Last Update: 18.04.2011 12:11

  • A: plant: introduced
    Melissa officinalis L., balm, Zitronenmelisse
  • B: plant: native Ssp. meridionalis (Beg.) Beg is native; ssp. nigra is rare and not native (cf. Clapham 1962,751-752 and Stace 1997,559)
    Ballota nigra L., black horehound, Langzähnige Schwarznessel
  • C: plant: foreign "Native of S. Asia, C. and western N. America. Introduced into Europe by 1557 and recorded as naturalized in England by 1660." (Clapham 1962,1051)
    ? Acorus calamus L., sweet flag, Kalmus
  • D: plant: native Clapham (1962,873): doubtfully native.
    ?? Onopordum acanthium L., cotton thistle, Gewöhnliche Eselsdistel
  • E: plant: foreign Clapham (1962,729): Naturalized in waste places in W. Cornwall (including Scilly Is.), first recorded 1820. Native of S. Europe from Spain to Thrace.
    ?? Acanthus mollis L., bear's breech, Pracht-Akanthus
  • F: plant
    ?? -, thistle species, Distelart
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Comments Last Update: 09.11.2011 09:56

  • Comment on (A): Melissa officinalis L., balm, Zitronenmelisse

    = L APIASTRUM , APIAGO (cf. André s.vv.). M. officinalis is not native to the British Isles, the time of introduction is uncertain. One early source is John Gerard who does mentions the virtues of this plant for beekeepers and its active use (cf. Grieve, s.v. balm).

  • Comment on (B): Ballota nigra L., black horehound, Langzähnige Schwarznessel

    The glosses in which bēowyrt is equated with MARUBIUM (→hūne = Ballota nigra L.) can be explained by the strong outward similarity of Melissa officinalis L. and Ballota nigra L. (both are labiates); Marzell (2000,3,128) states that almost all old names of M. officinalis are also used for similar labiates frequented by bees; e.g. for Lamium L., dead nettle, Taubnessel, which is also very similar to Ballota nigra L. (Marzell 2000,1,535).

  • Comment on (C): ? Acorus calamus L., sweet flag, Kalmus

    Cockayne's (1961,II,317f) interpretation of bēowyrt as Acorus calamus L. must probably be refuted, because this plant was not indigenous to England (cf. Britten / Holland 1886,33 and Hegi, 1906,II,134) and especially because this interpretation does not go with any of the glosses. Cockayne's interpretation is based on HA VII: "þeos wyrt þe man on leden UENERIAM 7 on ure geþeode beowyrt nemneþ [...] Wiþ þæt beon æt ne fleon genim þas ylcan wyrte þe we UENERIAM nemdon" (Cockayne 1961,I,96ff.). UENERIA is the άκορος‚ (=Acorus calamus L.) of antiquity, but the author of the OE HA probably used beowyrt for UENERIA[M] in chapter VII because of its use against the swarming of bees, since he did not know the true identity of the plant denoted by UENERIA. Nevertheless, D'Aronco (1998,49) uses this meaning, too, but points out André's identification of ACORUM as Iris pseudacorus L.; Arsdall (2000,150,fn.109) supports the identification on account of the illustration in Cotton Vitellius C iii (fol. 24v, col.1).

  • Comment on (D): ?? Onopordum acanthium L., cotton thistle, Gewöhnliche Eselsdistel

    This plant is the ACANTHION of Dioscorides (Berendes 1902,272). ACANTALEUCA also denotes Onopordon acanthium L. (cf. Marz. 2000,3,405) or some other kind of thistle (cf. André, 1985, s.v. LEUCACANTHA). HA CLIV: The source is Dioscorides III 19, where Acanthus mollis L. (cf. Berendes 1902,272f.) is described. Cf. also Laud 121: ACANTALEUCA.i. beowyrt; the lemma, which also occurs in Dur 9 (ACANTALEUCA smælthistel), probably stands for Greek λευκάκανθα (Dioscorides III 22; Berendes 1902,274). Since the name 'bees' plant' does not go with any of the species of thistle mentioned, I assume that the glosses are due to confusion of Greek melamphyllon (lit. 'blackleaf'), which is a synonym of ACANTHUS (Berendes 2000,272; also in glosses: cf. CGL 6, 11 s.v. ACANT[H]US), with Gk melissophyllon ('honey leaf'), the Gk name of Melissa officinalis (Berendes 2000,334).

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Occurrences Last Update: 07.10.2010 10:23

  • AntK, 145,9 APIAGO beowyrt
  • Br,WW, 296,6 ACANTAN beowirt
  • C 71.2, Meritt 73 b, 5 UENERIAM beowyrt
  • ClQu, 32,10 APIASTRUM beowyrt
  • ClSt, A 455 APIASTRUM beowyrt
  • ClSt, M 103 MARUBIUM hune ł beowyrt
  • Cp, 1311 (M 43) MARUBIUM biowyrt UEL hune
  • Cp, 191 (A 672) APIASTRUM biowyrt
  • D 11, Junius 77, p.206 ACANTAN beowyrt
  • Dur, 10 ACANTON beovyrt
  • Dur, 37 APIASTRUM beovyrt
  • Ep, 20 APIASTRUM biouuyrt
  • Ep, 657 MARRUBIUM hunae UEL biouuyrt
  • Erf, 20 APIASTRUM buuyrt
  • HA, 280/11[1] nsg Beowyrt
  • HA, 10/3[2] nsg UENERIA ƀ ys beowyrt
  • HA, 280/12f[3] asg þe man ACANTON 7 oþrum naman beowyrt nemneþ
  • HA, 58/13[4] nsg ACANTON ƀ is beowyrt
  • HA, 90/1[5] nsg beowurt
  • HA, 96/19 nsg Beowyrt
  • HA, 96/21[6] asg Đeos wyrt þe man on leden UENERIAM 7 on ure geþeode beowyrt nemneþ
  • Laud, 121 ACANTALEUCA .i. beowyrt
  • Laud, 161 APIAGO beowyrt
  • LB, 21/25 nasg beowyrt
  • LB, 21/7[7] nasg beowyrt
  • LB, 80/3 nasg beowyrt
  • LB, 11/29 nasg beowyrt
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Etymology Last Update: 09.11.2011 09:52

  • Etymology: loan-rendition Etymology-Comment:

    OE loan-rendition from L APIASTRUM or APIAGO (itself probably a loan-translation from Gk melissophyllon); OLG bini-wurt, OHG bini-wurz are probably independent loan-renditions;

  • Word-Formation: noun/noun
  • Word-Formation-Comment: -
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External Reference Last Update: 22.06.2009 13:02

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Images Last Update: 09.11.2011 09:52

Melissa officinalis L., balm, Zitronenmelisse


Botanical-Information: stylised plate

Source: →reference-information

Thomé, Otto Wilhelm. Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In 4 Mappen ; 531 Tafeln in naturgetreuen Farben mit 668 Pflanzenarten. Leipzip: Teubner, 1938.

Ballota nigra L., black horehound, Langzähnige Schwarznessel


Botanical-Information: stylised plate

Source: →reference-information

Kops, Jan. Flora Batava. 3. Deel. Amsterdam: J. C. Sepp en Zoon, 1814.

? Acorus calamus L., sweet flag, Kalmus


Botanical-Information: stylised plate

Source: →reference-information

Thomé, Otto Wilhelm. Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In 4 Mappen ; 531 Tafeln in naturgetreuen Farben mit 668 Pflanzenarten. Leipzip: Teubner, 1938.

?? Onopordum acanthium L., cotton thistle, Gewöhnliche Eselsdistel


Botanical-Information: stylised plate

Source: →reference-information

Thomé, Otto Wilhelm. Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In 4 Mappen ; 531 Tafeln in naturgetreuen Farben mit 668 Pflanzenarten. Leipzip: Teubner, 1938.

?? Acanthus mollis L., bear's breech, Pracht-Akanthus


Botanical-Information: stylised plate

Source: →reference-information

Krauss, Johann Carl. Afbeeldingen der artseny-gewassen met dervelver Nederduitsche en Latynsche beschryvingen. 3. deel. Amsterdam: J. C. Sepp en Zoon, 1796.

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Research Literature

AntK: Kindschi, Lowell. The Latin-Old English Glossaries in Planton-Moretus Manuscript 43 and British Museum Manuscript Additional 32,246. Unpubl. diss. Stanford University: 1955.
Br: Logeman, Henri. "Zu Wright-Wülker I, 204-303." Archiv 85 (1890): 316-318.
BW I: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 1. Bern, Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1975.
BW II: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 2. Bern, Frankfurt am Main, München: Lang, 1976.
BW III: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 3. Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Las Vegas: Lang, 1979.
ClQu: Quinn, John Joseph. The Minor Latin-Old English Glossaries in MS Cotton Cleopatra A III. Diss Stanford U. 1956.
ClSt: Stryker, William Garlington. The Latin-Old English Glossary in MS Cotton Cleopatra A III. Unpubl. diss. Stanford Univ.: 1952.
Cp: Hessels, John Henry. An Eighth-Century Latin Anglo-Saxon Glossary. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1890.
Cp: Lindsay, Wallace Martin. The Corpus Glossary. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1921.
Cp: Wynn, J. B. An Edition of the Anglo-Saxon Corpus Glosses. Unpubl. Diss. Oxford: 1961.
DOE: Cameron, Angus, Ashley Crandell Amos, Antonette di Paolo Healey, et al. (eds.). Dictionary of Old English (A to G). CD-Rom. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies for the Dictionary of Old English Project, 2008.
Dur: Lindheim, B. von. Das Durhamer Pflanzenglossar. Beiträge zur englischen Philologie. 35. Bochum-Langendreer: Pöppinghaus, 1941.
Ep, Erf: Pheifer, J.D. (ed.). Old English Glosses in the Epinal-Erfurt Glossary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974.
Ep: Brown, Alan Kelsey. The Epinal Glossary edited with Critical Commentary of the Vocabulary. Vol. I: Edition. Vol. II: Commentary. Diss., Stanford University. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1969.
HA: Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "Herbarium Apuleii Platonici." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 1. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Holland Press, 1961. 1-325.
Laud: Stracke, J. Richard (ed.). The Laud Herbal Glossary. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1974.
LB: Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "Leech Book." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 2. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Longman [et. al.], 1961. 1-360.
LB: Leonhardi, Günther. Kleinere angelsächsische Denkmäler I. Bibliothek der ags. Prosa VI. Hamburg: Grand, 1905.
WW, Prosp, Br: Wright, Thomas. Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies. 2nd ed. by Richard Paul Wülcker. Reprint of the 1884 ed. published by Trübner, London. Vol. 1: Vocabularies. Vol. 2: Indices. New York: Gordon, 1976.
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: Grieve, Maude. A Modern Herbal. Unabridged reprint of 1931. Dover. 1971. .
Hankins, Freda Richards. Bald's 'Leechbook' Reconsidered. Diss. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1993.
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Howald, Ernestus und Henricus Sigerist (eds.). Corpus Medicorum Latinorum. Bd.4. Antonii Musae de Herba Vettonica Liber. Pseudoapulei Herbarius. Anonymi de Taxone Liber. Sexti Placiti Liber Medicinae ex Animalibus etc. Leipzig: Teubner, 1927.
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Ch. CLIV; cf. Cockayne (1961,I,280, n.17): "beowyrt, text of V., index of V.O."


Ch. VII.






Ch. IV (Æscþrote); cf. Cockayne (1961, i, 90, n.1: "beowurt, B., in margin".


Ch. VII.


Missing in Cockayne.