
noun, m. (n.?), , 28 occ.

Possible Types: plant-product, plant-related

Last Update: 09.08.2011 08:49

Old-English: ræcelc, recel, recelc, recels, recilc, recils, ricyls, roecels, rycels, ricels-, rycels-,


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References Last Update: 19.10.2022 06:32

Meanings Last Update: 15.07.2010 08:06

  • A: plant-product: foreign
    -, frankincense, Weihrauch
  • A: plant-related
    -, incense, Räucherwerk
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Occurrences Last Update: 13.09.2010 13:21

  • AldVNa, 1,1513 THYMIAMA recelces
  • C 15, LibSc 57, 9[1] TIMIAMATIS recelses
  • C 27, RegC, Logeman, Anglia 13, 427/882 CUM INCENSU mid recelse
  • C 97.2, Sed, Page, Otium et Negotium, S.211 TURA rcĺsv[2]
  • C21.1, Rit 4, 7 MYRRE recelces
  • C21.1, Rit 65, 19 BALSAMUM ƀ recilc
  • C21.1, Rit 65, 20 MYRRA recilc
  • C21.1, Rit 68, 15 BALSAMUM þe beteste recilc
  • C21.1, Rit 70, 13 TURRIBULUM[3] ræcelc
  • C21.1, Rit 88, 15 INCENSUM recels ł
  • Go, 1527 THYMIAMA recelces
  • HA, CLXXI, 302/6 asg rycels
  • Jn(Li), 19,39[4] MURRAE receles
  • LA, 178/1 asg recels
  • LA, 178/20 asg recels
  • LA, 178/6 asg recels
  • LB, 42/35 nasg recels
  • LB, 73/39 nasg recels
  • LB, 89/25 gsg recelses
  • LB, 97/7 nasg recels
  • Lk(Li), 1,9 INCENSUM roecels
  • Lk(Ru), 1,9 INCENSUM recels
  • Mt(Li), 2,11 MURRAM recels
  • Mt(Ru), 2,11 TUS recils
  • PD, 47/24[5] asg recels
  • Ps(C), 140,2 INCENSUM ricylsum ł stor
  • Ps(I), 140,2 INCENSUM rycels ł onal
  • Ps(K), 65,15 CUM INCENSO mid recelse
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Research Literature

AldVNa: Napier, Arthur Sampson. Old English Glosses. Anecdota Oxoniensia, Mediaeval and Modern Series. 11. Reprint of Oxford, Clarendon Press 1900. Hildesheim: Olms, 1969.
BW I: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 1. Bern, Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1975.
BW II: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 2. Bern, Frankfurt am Main, München: Lang, 1976.
BW III: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 3. Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Las Vegas: Lang, 1979.
HA: Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "Herbarium Apuleii Platonici." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 1. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Holland Press, 1961. 1-325.
LA, Lor: Grattan, John Henry Grafton, and Charles Singer. Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1952.
LA: Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "[Lacnunga] Recipies." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 3. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Holland Press, 1961. 2-81.
LB: Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "Leech Book." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 2. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Longman [et. al.], 1961. 1-360.
LB: Leonhardi, Günther. Kleinere angelsächsische Denkmäler I. Bibliothek der ags. Prosa VI. Hamburg: Grand, 1905.
Li, Ru (= Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn): Skeat, Walter William. The Four Gospels in Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian, and Old Mercian Versions. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1871.
LibSc: Rhodes, Ernest Wood. Defensor's Liber Scintillarum. Unaltered reprint [der Ausg.] London 1889. Early English Text Society ; 93. Woodbridge, Suffolk u.a.: Boydell & Brewer, 2001.
PD: Löweneck, Max (ed.). Peri Didaxeon. Erlanger Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 12. Erlangen: Junge, 1896.
PS (I), PsCa (I): Lindelöf, Uno Lorenz. Der Lambeth-Psalter. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 35/i and 43/iii. 2 vols.. Helsinki: 1909.
PS (K), PsCa (K): Sisam, Celia and Kenneth. The Salisbury Psalter. Early English Text Society : [Original series]; 242. First published 1959. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1969.
Ps(C), PsCa (C): Wildhagen, Karl. Der Cambridger Psalter. Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Prosa. 7. Hamburg: 1910.
RegC: Logeman, Wilhelm S.. "_De consuetudine monachorum._" Anglia 13 (1891): 365-454.
Sed: Page, R.I.. "Anglo-Saxon Scratched Glosses in a Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Manuscript." In: _Otium et Negotium. Studies in Onomatology and Library Science Presented to Olof von Feilitzen._ Stockholm: , 1973. 209-215.
Berberich, Hugo, ed. Das Herbarium Apuleii nach einer früh-mittelenglischen Fassung. Anglistische Forschungen 5. Nachdruck Amsterdam, 1966. Heidelberg: Winter, 1902.
Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "Peri Didaxeon." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 3. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Holland Press, 1961. 82-143.
D'Aronco, Maria Amalia and M. L. Cameron, eds.. The Old English Illustrated Pharmacopoeia: British Library Cotton Vitellius C.III. Early English Manuscripts in Faksimile 27. Copenhagen: Rosenkilde & Bagger, 1998.
Deegan, Marilyn. A Critical Edition of MS. B.L. Royal 12.D.XVII: Bald's 'Leechbook'. Diss. Univ. of Manchester. 1988.
DeVriend, Hubert Jan (ed.). The 'Old English Herbarium' and 'Medicina de Quadrupedibus'. Early English Text Society. Original series 286. London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1984.
Grein, Christian-Wilhelm-Michael (ed.). Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie. Göttingen: Wigand, 1864.
Hagen, Ann. A Second Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Food & Drink: Production & Distribution. First publ. 1995. Hock-wold cum Wilton, Norf.: Anglo-Saxon Books, 1995.
Hankins, Freda Richards. Bald's 'Leechbook' Reconsidered. Diss. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1993.
Hilbelink, A.J.G. (ed.). Cotton MS Vitellius C III of the Herbarium Apuleii. Diss. Amsterdam: 1930.
Howald, Ernestus und Henricus Sigerist (eds.). Corpus Medicorum Latinorum. Bd.4. Antonii Musae de Herba Vettonica Liber. Pseudoapulei Herbarius. Anonymi de Taxone Liber. Sexti Placiti Liber Medicinae ex Animalibus etc. Leipzig: Teubner, 1927.
Hunger, Friedrich Wilhelm Tobias (ed.). The Herbal of Pseudo-Apuleius. From the ninth-century manuscript in the abbey of Monte Cassino [Codex Casinen-sis 97] together with the first printed edition of Jon. Phil. de Lignamine [Editio princeps Romae 1481] both in facsimile, described and annotated by F.W.T. Hunger. Leyden: Brill, 1935.
Logeman, Wilhelm S.. "_De consuetudine monachorum._" Anglia 15 (1893): 20-40.
Meritt, Herbert Dean. Old English Glosses. MLA General Series.16. Repr. New York: 1971.
MS London, British Library, Royal 12 D.xvii.
MS London, British Library, Harley 585.
MS London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius C iii.
MS London, British Library, Harley 6258b.
MS London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A.iii.
MS Cambridge, University Library, Ff.1.23.
MS London, Lambeth Palace, 427.
MS Salisbury, Cathedral, 150.
MS London, British Library, Cotton Nero D.iv..
MS Oxford, Bodleian, Auct. D.2.19.
MS London, British Library, Royal 7 C.iv.
MS Oxford, Bodleian, Digby 146.
MS Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 173.
Olds, Barbara M.. The Anglo-Saxon Leechbook III: A Critical Edition and Translation. Diss. Univ. of Denver. 1985.
Pettit, Edward, (ed. and trans.). Anglo-Saxon Remedies, Charms and Prayers from British Library MS Harley 585: the 'Lacnunga'. Vol. I: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Appendices. Vol. II: Commentary and Bibliography. Mellen Critical Editions and Translations. 6A and 6B. Lewiston, Queenston and Lampeter: Mellen, 2001.
Sanborn, Linda (ed.). An Edition of British Library MS. Harley 6258B: Peri Didaxeon. Diss. Ottawa: University of Ottawa, 1983.
Van Arsdall, Anne. Medieval Herbal Remedies. Illustrations by Robby Poore. New York and London: Routledge, 2002.
Wright, Cyril E. (ed.). Bald's Leechbook. Early English manuscripts in facsimile. 5. Kopenhagen: Rosenkilde & Bagger, 1955.

Cont.: UAPOR TIMIAMATIS REPLET AEREM. THYMIAMA = "incense, Räucherwerk".


Read recelsu.


= "incense burner, Räucherpfanne"; cf. s.v. storcille.


Cont.: MIXTURAM MURRAE ƀ gemong þara wyrtana of tuæm treum receles.


L text (Löweneck 1896,46/11): LIBANI.