Last Update: 15.07.2011 10:21
Cf. the ME glosses ELEBORUM, I. ellebre, I. lungwurt (WW 557,27); ELEBORUS NIGER ANCE longwort (WW 580,2). The name seems to be based on the use of the plant against lung diseases of animals: cf. Marzell (2001,2,88, referring to the ModE name 'setterwort' for Helleborus foetidus): "Gerard, Herbal 1597,979: 'Husbandmen are used to make a hole, and put a piece of the root into the dew-lap of their cattle, as a seton, in cases of diseased lungs; and this is called pegging or settering.'"
Hieracium murorum L., golden hawkweed, Wald-Habichtskraut |
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Botanical-Information: stylised plate Source: →reference-information
Fitch, Walter Hood.
Illustrations of the British Flora: London: Reeve, 1924.
Helleborus niger L., christmas rose, Christrose |
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Botanical-Information: stylised plate Source: →reference-information
Thomé, Otto Wilhelm.
Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In 4 Mappen ; 531 Tafeln in naturgetreuen Farben mit 668 Pflanzenarten. Leipzip: Teubner, 1938.
The bot. name "Hellebarus officinalis" given by Stracke (n. 544) seems to be a printing error.
OE lungenwyrt, like ModE lungwort, generally denotes Pulmonaria officinalis L., but as shown by Cockayne (cf. 1961,III,337) it can also refer to other plants. In LB it denotes H. murorum, indicated by the description: seo biþ geolu ufeweard. In ModE the plant is called 'golden lungwort' because of the lung-shaped leaves and the yellow flowers; the ML name was PULMONARIA (cf. Britten / Holland 1886,210); also cf. the Silesian name Lungenkraut for H. murorum (Pritzel / Jessen 1882,182).