

noun, m., , 7 occ.

Possible Types: plant, plant-part

Last Update: 09.06.2011 09:45

Old-English: heape, heope, heópa,


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Reference Last Update: 10.03.2023 21:15

Meanings Last Update: 23.11.2009 09:49

  • A: plant: native
    Rosa canina L., dog-rose, Hundsrose
  • A: plant-part: native
    Rosae pseudofructus cum fructibus, hip, Hagebutte
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Comment Last Update: 09.06.2011 09:37

  • Comment on (A): Rosa canina L., dog-rose, Hundsrose

    On BETUNUS cf. Förster (1917,129, n.4): "Das sonst nicht weiter belegte BUTUNUS sieht aus wie eine latinisierung des aglfrz. butuns (vlat. ⁺BOTTONEM) 'Knospe, Knopf.'" RUBUS denotes several thorny plants (cf. Andre 1985, s.v.): SICOMOROS (cf. s.v. →heard, →heorot-berge) was confused with MOROS;[1] MORUS is synonymous with RUBUS (cf. André 1985, s.v.).

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Occurrences Last Update: 10.08.2009 06:24

  • AntFö, 129,189 BUTUNUS heope
  • Cp, 1886(S 333) SICOMOROS heopan
  • D 20, Meritt 69, 7 BUTURNUS heope
  • Dur, 58 BETUNUS heope
  • HlOl, B 448 BUTURNUS heope
  • Lk(Li), 20,37 SECUM RUBUM ætt þæm heape
  • Lk(Ru), 20,37 SECUM RUBUM heope
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Image Last Update: 09.06.2011 09:45

Rosa canina L., dog-rose, Hundsrose


Botanical-Information: stylised plate

Source: →reference-information

Thomé, Otto Wilhelm. Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In 4 Mappen ; 531 Tafeln in naturgetreuen Farben mit 668 Pflanzenarten. Leipzip: Teubner, 1938.

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Research Literature

AntFö: Förster, Max. "Die altenglische Glossenhandschrift Plantinus 32 (Antwerpen) und Additional 32246 (London)." Anglia 41 (1917): 94-161.
BW III: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 3. Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Las Vegas: Lang, 1979.
Cp: Hessels, John Henry. An Eighth-Century Latin Anglo-Saxon Glossary. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1890.
Cp: Lindsay, Wallace Martin. The Corpus Glossary. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1921.
Cp: Wynn, J. B. An Edition of the Anglo-Saxon Corpus Glosses. Unpubl. Diss. Oxford: 1961.
Dur: Lindheim, B. von. Das Durhamer Pflanzenglossar. Beiträge zur englischen Philologie. 35. Bochum-Langendreer: Pöppinghaus, 1941.
Hl: Oliphant, Robert Thompson. The Harley Latin-Old English Glossary. Edited from British Museum MS Harley 3376, Janua Linguarum, Series Practica XX. The Hague: Mouton, 1966.
Li, Ru (= Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn): Skeat, Walter William. The Four Gospels in Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian, and Old Mercian Versions. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1871.
WW, Prosp, Br: Wright, Thomas. Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies. 2nd ed. by Richard Paul Wülcker. Reprint of the 1884 ed. published by Trübner, London. Vol. 1: Vocabularies. Vol. 2: Indices. New York: Gordon, 1976.
André, Jacques. Les noms de plantes dans la Rome antique. Paris: Société d'édition 'les belles lettres', 1985.
Meritt, Herbert Dean. Old English Glosses. MLA General Series.16. Repr. New York: 1971.
MS London, British Library, Cotton Nero D.iv..
MS Oxford, Bodleian, Auct. D.2.19.
MS Antwerp, Plantin-Moretus Museum, 47.
MS London, British Library, Add. 32246.
MS Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 144.
MS Durham, Cathedral, Hunter 100.
MS London, British Library, Harley 3376.
MS London, British Library, Royal 7 D.ii.