
noun, m., a-decl., 19 occ.

Type: plant

Last Update: 25.08.2011 11:58

Old-English: suam, suamm, suom, swam, swamm, swom,


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References Last Update: 19.10.2022 04:45

Meanings Last Update: 28.10.2008 07:46

  • A: plant
    -, mushroom, Pilz
  • B: plant
    -, sponge, Schwamm
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Occurrences Last Update: 26.11.2010 06:24

  • AntK, 146,6 UOLUI sinewealte swammas[1]
  • Br,WW, 298,14 FUNGUS swamm
  • ClSt, F 222 FUNGUS swamm ł feldswam
  • Cp, 958(F 384) FUNGUS suom
  • D 10, f.101r TUBER .I. MOISSERIS[2] ET swā
  • D 11, f.6v, Rosier [F]UNGUS swamm ł feldswa.
  • Dur, 177 FUNGUS svam
  • Ep, 427 FUNGUS suamm
  • Erf, 427 FUNGUS suamm
  • Laud, 1447 TUBER .I. MOISSERIS[3] ET suam
  • Laud, 663 [F]UNGUS Swom UEL BOLETUM
  • PD, 13/12[4] asg swamm
  • PD, 51/30[5] asg swam
  • PD, 51/31[6] asg swam
  • PD, 53/11[7] asg swam
  • PD, 53/13[8] asg swam
  • PD, 53/5[9] asg swam
  • Æ, (F) 310,12 TUBER .I. MOISSERIS[10] ET swam
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Research Literature

AntK: Kindschi, Lowell. The Latin-Old English Glossaries in Planton-Moretus Manuscript 43 and British Museum Manuscript Additional 32,246. Unpubl. diss. Stanford University: 1955.
Br: Logeman, Henri. "Zu Wright-Wülker I, 204-303." Archiv 85 (1890): 316-318.
BW II: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 2. Bern, Frankfurt am Main, München: Lang, 1976.
BW III: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 3. Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Las Vegas: Lang, 1979.
ClSt: Stryker, William Garlington. The Latin-Old English Glossary in MS Cotton Cleopatra A III. Unpubl. diss. Stanford Univ.: 1952.
Cp: Hessels, John Henry. An Eighth-Century Latin Anglo-Saxon Glossary. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1890.
Cp: Lindsay, Wallace Martin. The Corpus Glossary. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1921.
Cp: Wynn, J. B. An Edition of the Anglo-Saxon Corpus Glosses. Unpubl. Diss. Oxford: 1961.
Dur: Lindheim, B. von. Das Durhamer Pflanzenglossar. Beiträge zur englischen Philologie. 35. Bochum-Langendreer: Pöppinghaus, 1941.
Ep, Erf: Pheifer, J.D. (ed.). Old English Glosses in the Epinal-Erfurt Glossary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974.
Ep: Brown, Alan Kelsey. The Epinal Glossary edited with Critical Commentary of the Vocabulary. Vol. I: Edition. Vol. II: Commentary. Diss., Stanford University. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1969.
Hl: Oliphant, Robert Thompson. The Harley Latin-Old English Glossary. Edited from British Museum MS Harley 3376, Janua Linguarum, Series Practica XX. The Hague: Mouton, 1966.
Laud: Stracke, J. Richard (ed.). The Laud Herbal Glossary. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1974.
PD: Löweneck, Max (ed.). Peri Didaxeon. Erlanger Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 12. Erlangen: Junge, 1896.
WW, Prosp, Br: Wright, Thomas. Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies. 2nd ed. by Richard Paul Wülcker. Reprint of the 1884 ed. published by Trübner, London. Vol. 1: Vocabularies. Vol. 2: Indices. New York: Gordon, 1976.
Bischoff, Bernard, et al. (eds.).. The Épinal, Erfurt, Werden and Corpus Glossaries. Early English manuscripts in facsimile 22. Copenhagen: Rosenkilde & Bagger, 1988.
Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "Peri Didaxeon." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 3. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Holland Press, 1961. 82-143.
Lendinara, Patrizia. "The Glossaries in London, BL, Cotton Cleopatra A. iii." In: _Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen: Internationale Fachkonferenz des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg 2. bis 4. August 1999._ Ed. Rolf Bergmann, Elvira Glaser, and Claudine Moulin-Fankhänel. Heidelberg: Winter, 2001. 189-215.
Lindsay, Wallace Martin. Corpus, Épinal, Erfurt and Leyden Glossaries. Publications of the Philological Society VIII. London: Oxford University Press, 1921.
Meritt, Herbert Dean. "Old English Glosses, Mostly Dry Point." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 60 (1961): 441-450.
MS Antwerp, Plantin-Moretus Museum, 47.
MS London, British Library, Add. 32246.
MS Brussels, Bibliotheque Royale, 1828-30.
MS Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 144.
MS Durham, Cathedral, Hunter 100.
MS Epinal, Bibliotheque Municipale, 72.
MS London, British Library, Cotton Cleopatra A.iii.
MS London, British Library, Cotton Faustina A.x.
MS London, British Library, Cotton Otho E.i.
MS London, British Library, Harley 3376.
MS Oxford, Bodleian, Laud Misc. 567.
MS Erfurt, Wissenschaftliche Allgemeinbibliothek, Amplonianus F.42.
Rusche, Philip Guthrie. The Cleopatra Glossaries. Diss. Yale Univ. Yale University, 1996.
Sanborn, Linda (ed.). An Edition of British Library MS. Harley 6258B: Peri Didaxeon. Diss. Ottawa: University of Ottawa, 1983.
Sauer, Hans. "Old English Plant-Names in the Epinal-Erfurt Glossary: Etymology, Word-Formation and Semantics." In: _Words, Lexemes, Concepts - approaches to the lexicon. Studies in honour of Leonhard Lipka._ Ed. Wolfgang Falkner and Hans-Jörg Schmidt. Tübingen: Narr, 1999. 23-38.
Voss, Manfred. "Strykers Edition des alphabetischen Cleopatraglossars: Corrigenda und Addenda." AAA 13:2 (1988): 123-138.
Voss, Manfred. "Altenglische Glossen aus MS Brit. Library, Cotton Otho E.i." AAA 22:2 (1996): 179-203.
Æ: Zupitza, Julius (ed.). Ælfrics Grammatik und Glossar. 4., unveränd. Aufl. / mit einer Einl. von Helmut Gneuss - Nachdr. der 1. Aufl., Berlin, [Weidmann], 1880. Hildesheim: Weidmann, 2003.



OFr? To Fr moisir "mold, schimmeln" (cf. Gamillscheg, s.v.).


Cf. note on D 10.


Cont.: Nim wegbradeleaf ar sunne upgange; nym þanne hlaf and sealt and swamm and cnuca hyt eal togadere; L text (Löweneck 1896,12/9f): ITEM PLANTAGINIS FOLIA ANTE SOLIS ORTUM COLLECTA CUM PANE IN POSTEA SALSA INFUSO; swam normally equates L PUSCA (= POSCA "der aus Wasser, Essig, geschlagenen Eiern bestehende Trank des gemeinen Mannes und Soldaten", "die Limonade"; cf. Georges (2007, s.v.), therefore it is possible that the model read POSCEA instead of POSTEA, which would go with L SALSA "gesalzene Brühe" (cf. Gamillscheg 1969, s.v. sauce). With which L word did the glossator confuse POSCA? I cannot find an adj. *POSCEUS which should be related to POSCA.


Cont.: syle him ealra ærest etan gebrædne swam; L text (Renzi 1856,iv,225): ET PRIMUM PUSCAM DABIS UT GARGARITENT ["gurgeln"].


Cont.: And gif þæt blod utwealle oþan heafode, þann cnuca þu swam; L text (Renzi 1856,iv,225): PUSCAM DABIS BIBERE.


Cont.: þann nym þu cealde swam and scealt [sic]; cf. Löweneck (1896,57, note on 53/11): "CEALDE SWAM entspricht dem PUSCA FRIGIDA. Der Übersetzer hat hier offenbar, wie in Z.4 und 13, PUSCA als Schwamm verstanden."


Cont.: cnuca þann swamm and do hine on watere and drinca hyne butan sealt; L text (Löweneck 1896,52/9): PUSCAM SINE SALE BIBANT.


Cont.: nym cole, spongiam and swam and sealt; L text Löweneck (1896,52/4): SPONGIAS FRIGIDAS CUM PUSCA ET SALE; cf. our note s.v. cōle.


Cf. note on D 10.