
noun, , , 10 occ.

Possible Types: plant, plant-product

Last Update: 23.08.2011 11:27

Old-English: spaldr, spaldur, spalor, spaltor, swaldor, sypaldor,

Latin (Machine generated): ASFALTUM, ASPALTUM, ASP[H]ALTUM,

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Meanings Last Update: 27.10.2008 08:53

  • A: plant
    -, thorn-bush, fragrant ~, Dornstrauch, wohlriechender
  • B: plant-product
    -, thorn-bush, oil from fragrant ~, Dornstrauch, Öl aus wohlriechendem ~
  • B: plant-product
    -, thorn-bush, balm from fragrant ~, Dornstrauch, Balsam aus wohlriechendem ~
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Comment Last Update: 23.08.2011 11:18

  • Comment on (A): -, thorn-bush, fragrant ~, Dornstrauch, wohlriechender

    L ASPALTUM = L-Gk ASPALATHUS (cf. André 1985,s.v. ASPALATHUS) = Gk άσπάλαφος, which in Dioscorides I,19 (Berendes 1902,48) denotes some undidentifyed thorn bush. On OE spaldur, which according to Pogatscher (1888,§191,1) is related to late OE spelter cf. the occurrences in the glosses and the respective notes; also cf. Schlutter (1921,410); on the possible meaning 'bitumen, Asphalt' cf. Brown (1964,329, note on Ep. 54).

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Occurrences Last Update: 08.11.2010 06:23

  • Cp, 238(A 839) ASPALTUM spaldur
  • D 32, Meritt 54, 1 ASPALTUM sypaldor[1]
  • D 38, AbdGl 1, 561, 1 ASPALTUM spalor
  • D 40, AhdGl 4, 278, 1 ASFALTUM spalor
  • D 43, Stüben S.455 ASPALTUM spaltor AFFALTŪ spalor
  • Ep, 54 ASFALTUM spaldr
  • Erf, 54 ASFALTUM spaldur
  • Laud, 115 ASFALTUM swaldor
  • Ld, Holth. Nr. 32 ASP[H]ALTUM spaldur
  • PD, 47/12[2] asg spelter
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Research Literature

AhdGl: Steinmeyer, Elias und Eduard Sievers. Die althochdeutschen Glossen. Repr. 5 Bde. Hildesheim: Weidmann, 1999.
BW II: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 2. Bern, Frankfurt am Main, München: Lang, 1976.
BW III: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 3. Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Las Vegas: Lang, 1979.
Cp: Hessels, John Henry. An Eighth-Century Latin Anglo-Saxon Glossary. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1890.
Cp: Lindsay, Wallace Martin. The Corpus Glossary. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1921.
Cp: Wynn, J. B. An Edition of the Anglo-Saxon Corpus Glosses. Unpubl. Diss. Oxford: 1961.
Ep, Erf: Pheifer, J.D. (ed.). Old English Glosses in the Epinal-Erfurt Glossary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974.
Ep: Brown, Alan Kelsey. The Epinal Glossary edited with Critical Commentary of the Vocabulary. Vol. I: Edition. Vol. II: Commentary. Diss., Stanford University. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1969.
Laud: Stracke, J. Richard (ed.). The Laud Herbal Glossary. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1974.
Ld: Glogger, Placidus. Das Leidener Glossar. Cod. Voss. lat. 4⁰ 69. 3 Teile in 4 Bdn. Teil 1 : Text der Handschrift Teil 2 : Erklärungsversuche Teil 3A : Verwandte Handschriften und Ergänzungen. Teil 3B : Indices. Augsburg: Pfeiffer, 1901.
PD: Löweneck, Max (ed.). Peri Didaxeon. Erlanger Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 12. Erlangen: Junge, 1896.
André, Jacques. Les noms de plantes dans la Rome antique. Paris: Société d'édition 'les belles lettres', 1985.
Bischoff, Bernard, et al. (eds.).. The Épinal, Erfurt, Werden and Corpus Glossaries. Early English manuscripts in facsimile 22. Copenhagen: Rosenkilde & Bagger, 1988.
Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "Peri Didaxeon." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 3. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Holland Press, 1961. 82-143.
Holthausen, Ferdinand. "Die Leidener Glossen." Englische Studien 50 (1916): 327-340.
Lindsay, Wallace Martin. Corpus, Épinal, Erfurt and Leyden Glossaries. Publications of the Philological Society VIII. London: Oxford University Press, 1921.
Meritt, Herbert Dean. Old English Glosses. MLA General Series.16. Repr. New York: 1971.
MS Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 144.
MS Epinal, Bibliotheque Municipale, 72.
MS Oxford, Bodleian, Laud Misc. 567.
MS Bern, Stadtbibliothek, 258.
MS Erfurt, Wissenschaftliche Allgemeinbibliothek, Amplonianus F.42.
MS Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. 99(86).
MS Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Vossianus Lat. Fol. 24.
MS Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Vossianus Lat. 4° 69.
MS Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, BPL 191.
Pogatscher, Alois. Zur Lautlehre der griechischen, lateinischen und romanischen Lehnworte im Altenglischen. Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der germanischen Völker ; 64 Straßburg: Trübner, 1888.
Sanborn, Linda (ed.). An Edition of British Library MS. Harley 6258B: Peri Didaxeon. Diss. Ottawa: University of Ottawa, 1983.
Sauer, Hans. "Old English Plant-Names in the Epinal-Erfurt Glossary: Etymology, Word-Formation and Semantics." In: _Words, Lexemes, Concepts - approaches to the lexicon. Studies in honour of Leonhard Lipka._ Ed. Wolfgang Falkner and Hans-Jörg Schmidt. Tübingen: Narr, 1999. 23-38.
Sauer, Hans. "The Morphology of Old English Plant-Names." In: _From Earth to Art. The Many Aspects of the Plant-World in Anglo-Saxon England._ Proceedings of the First ASPNS Symposium, University of Glasgow, 5-7 April 2000. ed. by Carole Biggam. Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi, 2003. 161-179.
Sauer, Hans. Patterns of loan-influence on the Medieval English plant names, with special reference to the influence of Greek. In: Foreign Influences on Medieval English, Eds. Jacek Fisiak, and Magdalana Bator. Studies in English medieval language and literature. 28. Frankfurt/Main: Lang, 2011. 55-76.
Schlutter, Otto B.. "Weiteres zu Holthausens kritischer Ausgabe der ae. Leidenglossen." Anglia 45 (1921): 408-412.
Stüben, Werner. "Nachträge zu den althochdeutschen Glossen." PBB 63 (1939): 451-457.

N.: "Read spaldor."


Cont.: Eftsona nim elenam and spelter and seoþ on wine and sile hym drincan. þis ys seo selesta drenc wyþ þæt broc. According to Löweneck (1896,46/6f) the L model is: ITEM ELNAM COQUE IN VINO BONO ET TERE ESPALTUM; CUM OLEO MISCE, ET BIBAT; NON DUBITET SANARI. But this hardly can be the model. Two lines further there is a passage which matches the OE text verbatim (Renzi 1865,IV,223): ITEM ELNAM ET ASPALTUM COQUES IN VINO, ET DABIS BIBERE; OPTIMUM ADIUTORIUM EST. Here the matching form of ASPALTUM is recorded.