
netele, sīo micle worþig

noun, f., n-decl., hapax legomenon

Type: plant

Last Update: 21.07.2011 10:38

Reference Last Update: 19.10.2022 08:38

Meaning Last Update: 03.04.2010 18:50

  • A: plant: native
    Urtica dioica L., common nettle, Große Brennnessel
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Comment Last Update: 21.07.2011 10:38

  • Comment on (A): Urtica dioica L., common nettle, Große Brennnessel

    Lit. 'the great farmyard nettle, die große Hofnessel' (OE worþ 'farmstead; Hof, Wirtschaft'); 'great, groß' is used to distinguish the plant from sīo smale netele 'the small nettle, die kleine Nessel', which is U. urens L. U. dioica grows up to 1,5m in height, the name refers to the preferred habitat near buildings (cf. Hegi 1906,111,139).

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Occurrence Last Update: 20.04.2010 09:40

  • LB, 35/34 nsg sio micle worþig netle
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Image Last Update: 21.07.2011 10:38

Urtica dioica L., common nettle, Große Brennnessel


Botanical-Information: stylised plate

Source: →reference-information

Thomé, Otto Wilhelm. Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In 4 Mappen ; 531 Tafeln in naturgetreuen Farben mit 668 Pflanzenarten. Leipzip: Teubner, 1938.

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Research Literature

BW I: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 1. Bern, Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1975.
LB: Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "Leech Book." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 2. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Longman [et. al.], 1961. 1-360.
LB: Leonhardi, Günther. Kleinere angelsächsische Denkmäler I. Bibliothek der ags. Prosa VI. Hamburg: Grand, 1905.
Deegan, Marilyn. A Critical Edition of MS. B.L. Royal 12.D.XVII: Bald's 'Leechbook'. Diss. Univ. of Manchester. 1988.
Hankins, Freda Richards. Bald's 'Leechbook' Reconsidered. Diss. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1993.
Hegi, Gustav. Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa. Mit bes. Berücks. v. Oesterreich, Deutschland u. d. Schweiz. Zum Gebrauche in d. Schulen u. zum Selbstunterricht. Bd 1-7. Wien: Pichler, 1906.
MS London, British Library, Royal 12 D.xvii.
Wright, Cyril E. (ed.). Bald's Leechbook. Early English manuscripts in facsimile. 5. Kopenhagen: Rosenkilde & Bagger, 1955.