Last Update: 10.05.2011 07:45
Old-English: eolugsecg, eolxsegc, illucseg, ilugseg, ilugsegg,
Latin (Machine generated): PAPILLUS, PAPILLUUM, PAPILUUS,
↑ topCockayne (1961,iii,324) and Hoops (1889,26) base their identification on the Rune Poem where eolxsecg is the name of the rune x: "die Meerdistel hat ihren Platz am häufigsten im Sumpfe; sie wächst im Wasser, verwundet grimmig, brennt blutig jeden Mann, der sie irgend angreift" (Hoops, v.41-44). If Pheifer (n.781) is right with his assumption that the first part of the compund is eolug-, ilug-, etc. and also is identical with "eoletes (? for eoleges) in Beowulf 224, meaning 'water'", we have a form that is similar to LG merrusch, 'sea-rush, Meerbinse' (Marzell 2000,2,317).
An identification of the first part as eolh- 'elk, Elch' can be ruled out because of the forms eolug-, ilug-, especially as 'Elk, Elch' occurs in Ep-Erf and in Cp as OE elch. Another indication that the glossator of the Corpus Glossary does not associate the lemma of his model with 'Elk, Elch' is that the respective Cp gloss has the form wiolucscel 'whelk, Purpurschnecke' for iolugsecg.[1]
? Eryngium maritimum L., sea-holly, See-Mannstreu |
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Botanical-Information: stylised plate Source: →reference-information
Thomé, Otto Wilhelm.
Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In 4 Mappen ; 531 Tafeln in naturgetreuen Farben mit 668 Pflanzenarten. Leipzip: Teubner, 1938.
Also cf. Jordan (1967,181): "Die auffallenden Formen ilug-, eolug-, wioluc- der ältesten Gll. legen es nahe, daß eolh- [...] erst auf sekundärer Umdeutung beruht."
Cp 1513(P 70): PAPILUUS wiolucscel.
Note in the DOE: "? but cf. rune name eolhx".
The lemmata are probably corrupt forms of PAPYRUS, wich is frequently glossed by names for reed-species (cf. →dy̅þ-hamor, →ēarixe, →risc. The determinans -secg also refers to this kind of plant.