Last Update: 05.05.2012 21:00
Old-English: clitae, clite, clitte, clitę, cliton, glidan,
Latin (Machine generated): LAPPA, LAPPA HERBA HABENS LATA FOLIA,
↑ topIdentification based on the glosses LAPPA clite (D 40, Meritt 70,41), LAPPA clitte (Meritt, 1961, XIII/3).
? Arctium lappa L., greater burdock, Große Klette |
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Botanical-Information: stylised plate Source: →reference-information
Fitch, Walter Hood.
Illustrations of the British Flora: London: Reeve, 1924.
??? Tussilago farfara L., colt's foot, Huflattich |
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Botanical-Information: stylised plate
Thomé, Otto Wilhelm.
Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In 4 Mappen ; 531 Tafeln in naturgetreuen Farben mit 668 Pflanzenarten. Leipzip: Teubner, 1938.
? Galium aparine L., cleavers, Kletten-Labkraut |
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Botanical-Information: stylised plate
Thomé, Otto Wilhelm.
Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In 4 Mappen ; 531 Tafeln in naturgetreuen Farben mit 668 Pflanzenarten. Leipzip: Teubner, 1938.
Also cf. the ModE form "cleeiton" (Britten / Holland 1886,s.v.), which could have originated from clite by vowel elongation (Luick 1964,§393).
Cf. Britten/Holland (1886, s.v.): "Cleats, or Cleat-leaves (1) Petasites vulgaris, Desf. ... (2) Tussilago Farfara, L."
The spelling -ea- refers to a ME long, open -e- (cf. Pinsker 1974, §54), which cannot go back to OE -i- or -ī-.
Grattan/Singer (1951,178, A.6): "clitan: glidan MS.CL; a less likely emendation would be glaedenan."
It is more secure to base an identification on the glosses LAPPA clite (D 40, Meritt 70,41), LAPPA clitte (Meritt, 1961, XIII/3) or ModE 'clite', which would indicate the possible meanings Arctium lappa L., greater burdock, Große Klette, and Galium aparine L., cleavers, Kletten-Labkraut.
Etymology: The ModE form 'clite', according to Wright (EDD, s.v.) [klait] besides [klit], does not allow any conclusion on the quality of the OE form, it could be possible that short and long forms were used side by side.[1] OE clīte / clite then could resemble different ablaut forms of →clāte or analogous transformations of the name clāte according to the various denominations of burdock →clīfe, →clif-wyrt, →cliþe, →cliþ-wyrt. The gloss LAPPA clitte (Meritt 1961,XIII/3) is recorded in a glossary of the 9th century and therefore cannot be a reverse spelling according to forms with shortening before double consonsant.