
noun, , , 4 occ.

Type: plant-part

Last Update: 19.04.2011 15:25

Old-English: blacebergan (pl.), blaceberian,

Latin (Machine generated): BACINIA, FLAUI UEL MORI, FLAUIA ł MORI,

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Reference Last Update: 19.10.2022 05:22

Meanings Last Update: 19.04.2011 15:17

  • A: plant-part: native
    Myrtilli fructus, bilberry, Schwarzbeere
  • B: plant-part: foreign Only in cultivation.
    Mori fructus, black mulberry, Schwarze Maulbeere
  • B: plant-part: native
    ? Rubi fruticosi fructus, bramble, Brombeere
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Comments Last Update: 30.06.2009 12:18

  • Comment on (B): Mori fructus, black mulberry, Schwarze Maulbeere

    MORUS denotes M. niger. The lemma FLAUI(A) is unclear, perhaps it relates to L FLAVUS, 'ginger, golden, rötlichgelb, goldgelb', c.f.egle.

  • Comment on (B): ? Rubi fruticosi fructus, bramble, Brombeere

    MORUS can also denote Rubus fruticosus, cf. André (1985, s.v.). Banham (1990, 127f.), though, states: „As far, as I can see, the word blaecberig never refers to what we now call a blackberry.“

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Occurrences Last Update: 30.04.2009 09:36

  • AntK, 129,6 FLAUI UEL MORI blaceberian
  • ClSt, F 400 FLAUIA ł MORI blace berian
  • D 11, f.8r, col.1[1] FLAUIA ł MORI blace berian
  • Dur, 52 BACINIA blacebergan
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Research Literature

DOE: Cameron, Angus, Ashley Crandell Amos, Antonette di Paolo Healey, et al. (eds.). Dictionary of Old English (A to G). CD-Rom. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies for the Dictionary of Old English Project, 2008.

MS: []AUIA ł MOR[].