
noun, m., a-decl., 35 occ.

Type: plant-part

Last Update: 02.12.2011 08:19

References Last Update: 10.03.2023 12:35

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Meaning Last Update: 02.12.2011 08:19

  • A: plant-part: native
    -, elder stump, Holunderstock
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Occurrences Last Update: 05.09.2009 15:11

  • Ch 145 (Birch 226) (B15.8.22), 3 on þone ellenstub
  • Ch 145 (Birch 226) (B15.8.22), 3 of þam ellenstubbe
  • Ch 473 (Birch 751) (B15.8.165), 9 on thene ellenstubbe
  • Ch 486 (Birch 788) (B15.8.173), 3 on þone ellenstub
  • Ch 556 (Hart) (B15.8.228), 4 into ellenstyb
  • Ch 563 (Birch 903) (B15.8.235), 2 on þone ellenstyb
  • Ch 575 (Birch 902) (B15.8.243), 8 on þonæ ællenstub
  • Ch 582 (Birch 917) (B15.1.32), 2.26 to þan ellenstybbe
  • Ch 585 (Birch 948) (B15.8.249), 8 to ðam ællenstybbæ
  • Ch 590 (Birch 932) (B15.8.254), 9 on þone ellenstub
  • Ch 605 (Birch 924) (B15.8.268), 13 on ðone ellenstyb
  • Ch 605 (Birch 924) (B15.8.268), 9 on þone ellenstyb
  • Ch 630 (Birch 970) (B15.8.289), 15 on þone ellenstub
  • Ch 638 (Birch 983) (B15.8.295), 4 on þonne ellemstub
  • Ch 668 (Birch 1145) (B15.8.316), 6 on þa ellenstybbas
  • Ch 668 (Birch 1145) (B15.8.316), 6 of þam ellenstybban
  • Ch 672 (Birch 1183) (B15.8.320), 3 Of þa ellenstubbe
  • Ch 672 (Birch 1183) (B15.8.320), 3 on ðane oðerne ellenstubbe
  • Ch 672 (Birch 1183) (B15.8.320), 6 þæt eft on ellenstubb
  • Ch 692 (Birch 1074) (B15.8.336), 2 oð þone ellenstyb
  • Ch 692 (Birch 1074) (B15.8.336), 3 Of þam ellenstybbe
  • Ch 702 (Birch 1085) (B15.8.343), 6 on þone ellenstub
  • Ch 705 (Birch 1093) (B15.8.346), 6 on þone ellenstyb
  • Ch 748 (Birch 1199) (B15.8.374), 4 on þone ellenstub
  • Ch 763 (Birch 1217) (B15.8.386), 5 on þone ellenstub
  • Ch 767 (Birch 1216) (B15.8.390), 10 æt þæne ellenstyb
  • Ch 790 (Birch 1292) (B15.8.403), 3 on þone oðerenne ellestub
  • Ch 790 (Birch 1292) (B15.8.403), 3 of þam ællanstubbe
  • Ch 790 (Birch 1292) (B15.8.403), 5 on þone ellenstub
  • Ch 865 (Edwards) (B15.8.446), 15 þanon on þone ellenstybbe
  • Ch 892 (Nap-Steven 8) (B15.8.462), 8 to þam ællenstubbe
  • Ch 918 (Kem 1305) (B15.8.476), 10 on ðone ellenstub
  • Ch 938 (Kem 1284) (B15.8.485), 5 to ellenstubbe
  • Ch 938 (Kem 1284) (B15.8.485), 6 Of ellestubbe
  • Ch 999 (Kem 767) (B15.8.509), 6 on ðæne ealdan ellenstyb
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Research Literature

DOE: Cameron, Angus, Ashley Crandell Amos, Antonette di Paolo Healey, et al. (eds.). Dictionary of Old English (A to G). CD-Rom. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies for the Dictionary of Old English Project, 2008.
Birch, Walter De Gray. Cartularium Saxonicum. 3 vols. Repr. New York and London 1964. New York, N.Y.: Johnson, 1964.
Edwards, Edward. Liber Monasterii de Hyda. Repr. London, 1866. Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores. 45. Nendeln: Kraus, 1964.
Hart, C. R.. The early charters of Eastern England. Studies in early English history. 5. Leicester: University Press, 1966.
Kemble, John Mitchell. Codex diplomaticus aevi Saxonici. 6 vols. Reprint of London 1839-1848. Vaduz: Kraus, 1964.
Napier, Arthur Sampson, and William Henry Stevenson. The Crawford Collection of Early Charters and Documents now in the Bodleian Library. Anecdota Oxoniensia IV. Mediaeval and modern Series. 1,7. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895.
Sawyer, Peter Hayes. Anglo-Saxon Charters. Guides and handbooks / Royal Historical Society ; 8. London: Royal Historical Society, 1968.