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The basis for our identification is a gloss of the 11th cent.: RAPHANUS, ancre, þæt is →rædic (WW 1976,135/23). BT correctly suggest that this has to be a writing error for antre because the OE characters 't' and 'c' are very much alike. Ancre is not recorded anywhere else[1] - the absence of glosses with antre or ontre is not conspicuous because the OE name for Raphanus sativus commonly is →rædic. Our indentification is supported by the fact that antre and rǣdic occur ca. 50 times in the LB but never together in one recipe, a similar situation can be found in the LA. Furthermore, we should note the similarity of two recipes in LB: Briw wiþ lungenadle; ontran, eolonan, marubian, wenwyrt, þa clifihtan, rude, merce, pipor, hunig (80/19f) and LA: briw wiþ lungenadle [...] wyl in buteran merce, eolonan, rædic, þa clufehton wenwyrt, hoc, wermod (120/7). In the LB all recipes dealing with lung deseases feature R. sativus so we can conclude that the ontran of the first text replaces the common plant name →rædic.