

noun, f., n-decl., 4 occ.

Type: plant

Last Update: 12.07.2011 12:03

Old-English: leomuce, lemoce,

Latin (Machine generated): FAFIDA, FAFIDA .I. FAUEROLA UEL,

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Reference Last Update: 19.10.2022 06:29

Meaning Last Update: 23.12.2009 15:45

  • A: plant: native
    Veronica beccabunga L., brooklime, Bachbungen-Ehrenpreis
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Comment Last Update: 12.07.2011 12:03

  • Comment on (A): Veronica beccabunga L., brooklime, Bachbungen-Ehrenpreis

    Cf. →hleomoc. Leomuce, lemoce are not recorded as lemmata in BT(SC) s.v. hleomoc. The form lemocan in LA indicates a short vowel therfore the hlēomoc(e) of the LB has to be changed into hleomoc(e). I cannot support Förster's opinion (note on 124,168), FAFIDA was a corrupted FABARIA; I suspect that FAFIDA and FABARIA are not related originally but in later times were confused because of the phonetic similarity. The form FAUEROLA also belongs to FABA 'bean, Bohne' (cf. fèverole 'broad bean, Pferdebohne'; Gamillscheg 1969, s.v. fève).

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Occurrences Last Update: 12.07.2011 12:00

  • Laud, 667 FAFIDA .I. FAUEROLA UEL leomuce
  • AntFö, 124,168 FAFIDA leomuc
  • LA, 158/2 asg leomucan
  • LA, 168/8 asg lemocan
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Image Last Update: 12.07.2011 12:03

Veronica beccabunga L., brooklime, Bachbungen-Ehrenpreis


Botanical-Information: stylised plate

Source: →reference-information

Fitch, Walter Hood. Illustrations of the British Flora: London: Reeve, 1924.

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Research Literature

BTS: Toller, Thomas Northcote. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Nachdruck der Ausgabe von: Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1921. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.
BT: Bosworth, Joseph. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Ed. by Thomas Northcote Toller. Reprint 1973. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882.
BW II: Bierbaumer, Peter. Der botanische Wortschatz des Altenglischen. Grazer Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 2. Bern, Frankfurt am Main, München: Lang, 1976.
LA, Lor: Grattan, John Henry Grafton, and Charles Singer. Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1952.
Laud: Stracke, J. Richard (ed.). The Laud Herbal Glossary. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1974.
LA: Cockayne, Oswald Thomas (ed.). "[Lacnunga] Recipies." In: Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Sience in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vol. 3. Rev. Ed. by Charles Singer. London: Holland Press, 1961. 2-81.
LB: Leonhardi, Günther. Kleinere angelsächsische Denkmäler I. Bibliothek der ags. Prosa VI. Hamburg: Grand, 1905.
Grein, Christian-Wilhelm-Michael (ed.). Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie. Göttingen: Wigand, 1864.
MS London, British Library, Harley 585.
Pettit, Edward, (ed. and trans.). Anglo-Saxon Remedies, Charms and Prayers from British Library MS Harley 585: the 'Lacnunga'. Vol. I: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Appendices. Vol. II: Commentary and Bibliography. Mellen Critical Editions and Translations. 6A and 6B. Lewiston, Queenston and Lampeter: Mellen, 2001.
Storms, Godfrid (ed.). Anglo-Saxon Magic. Reprint of the 1948 ed. published by M. Nijhoff, The Hague. Norwood, Pa: Norwood Editions, 1975.